The Garden of EDEN

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You will find an aquatic garden, bamboo, Creole garden, cactus, food garden, marshes, and an event space.
The haven of animals in the midst of sacred, evil, aphrodisiac, anaphrodisiac, medicinal plants, plants to eat, to smell, to weave, or to paint, paper, basket, framework, pirogues, and An ethnobotanical garden, a science which is interested in the relations existing between man and the vegetable world.
This setting is a haven for sleepers, birds, butterflies, fish and various reptiles that find refuge there. Perches on the branches, cardinals and rams make singing contests. Listen to the sweet call of the turtle-dove which trots in the alley, and the martin's pitying cry! Here and there, The bright orange of the Monarch's wings dances above the milkweed.
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